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E-Bulletin on Counter-terrorism från ICJ:s huvudkontor i Genéve

Dear readers,

The International Commission of Jurists published today the 83rd edition of its E-Bulletin on Counter-terrorism and Human Rights.

The html version of the E-Bulletin is available at: http://www.icj.org/may-icj-e-bulletin-on-counter-terrorism-and-human-rights-no-83/

The pdf version of the E-Bulletin is available at: http://icj.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Ebulletin-May14-Final.pdf

Here are the headlines developed in this edition:

Ethiopia: UN High Commissioner concerned at arrests of bloggers and journalists under anti-terrorism law
Rwanda: Military courts retain jurisdiction over civilians in ”terrorism” trial
Nigeria: UN High Commissioner’s Office denounces abduction of schoolgirls as international crime
Kenya: Human Rights Watch denounces human rights violations in mass ”anti-terrorism” round-ups
Jordan: Anti-Terrorism Law Amendments said to broaden definition of terrorism excessively
Egypt: Al Jazeera journalist detained for ”terrorism” at serious health risk
Egypt: UN and African human rights expert urge reform of Egypt’s legal system
Bahrain: Activists convicted in reportedly grossly unfair trial
Zimbabwe: Government enacts terrorism listing legislation

USA: House of Representatives approves bill limiting NSA surveillance programmes
USA: UN Ambassador Rice reported to have used NSA surveillance intelligence 
USA: Journalist reveals new details on Guantánamo detainees ”suicides”
USA: Justice Department legal memo excludes right of asylum for Guantánamo detainees
USA/Djibouti: US Djibouti base used for CIA secret detention, Al Jazeera reveals 
USA: NSA surveillance programme said to have collected all Bahamas telephone communications
Canada: Supreme Court upholds constitutionality of security certificate system
Argentina: Journalist accused of ”terrorism” for reporting public protest

China: Mass arrests in Xinjiang following knives ”terrorist” attack
Pakistan: ICJ criticizes draft security law as fundamentally flawed
Afghanistan: Journalist arrested and detained for ”collaborating with terrorists”
Sri Lanka: Army surrounds newspaper’s headquarters and monitors activity
Thailand: Military authorities declare martial law and suspend the Constitution

UK: Court of Appeals rejects Government’s ”Neither Confirm Nor Deny” policy 
UK: New Immigration Act allows for ”terrorism” suspects deprivation of nationality resulting in statelessness
UK: High Court of Justice declares UK Afghanistan detention policy unlawful
UK/Iraq: ICC Prosecutor re-opens investigations into alleged UK war crimes in Iraq
UK: UK surveillance agency brought to court for mass surveillance programme
UK/USA: UK surveillance agency begged ”unsupervised access” to NSA data
Germany: Government will not admit Edward Snowden to the country for Parliament Committee’s inquiry
Italy: Court of Cassation rejects ”terrorism” charges for activists
Italy: Court of Cassation issues motivation in Italian secret agents’ rendition acquittal
The Netherlands: Advocate General advises Supreme Court to bar ”terrorism” suspect deportation to the US 
Lithuania: Committee against Torture calls for investigations in CIA renditions and secret detention
Russian Federation: European Court rules that extradition of ”terrorism” suspects to Uzbekistan would breach European Convention
Ukraine: General Prosecutor designates Eastern regions as ”terrorist organizations”

EU-AU: Summit underlines importance of human rights in conflict situations
OSCE: OSCE conference concludes on centrality of human rights and rule of law in countering terrorism

Do not hesitate to send us your feedback: icjcounter-terrorism@icj.org.

Best regards,

Massimo Frigo
Legal Adviser
Global Security and Rule of Law
International Commission of Jurists
PO Box 91, Rue des Bains 33
1211 Geneva 8 – Switzerland
Tel: +41(0)22-979-3800
Visit our Website: http://www.icj.org

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