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The Swedish Section of the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ-Sweden) was created shortly after the establishment of the Geneva-based International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) in 1952. ICJ-Sweden functions as an independent support section to the secretariat in Geneva and works to promote human rights and the rule of law principles in Sweden and internationally.

On a national level, ICJ-Sweden works to ensure compliance with Sweden’s international and regional human rights obligations. We also work to promote and protect the independence and accountability of the judiciary, encourage respect for the law, strengthen the adherence to fundamental rights such as equality before the law and non-discrimination, and encourage the right to a fair trial if these rights have been violated. This work is primarily carried out through petitions, organising debates and seminars as well as publishing articles and scripts to voice our opinions and participate in the legislative process. ICJ-Sweden also publishes a yearly magazine titled Rättspolitisk debatt (Rule of Law Debate).

Internationally, ICJ-Sweden initiates and develops projects in cooperation with local organisations in other countries with the aim of promoting human rights and the rule of law. Current international cooperation projects are taking place in several African countries and rely on financial assistance from donors.

The International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) consists of 60 jurists from different countries in the world, whose achievements in the human rights field have gained wide international recognition. ICJ monitors and reports infringements of human rights all over the world and observers are sent to countries where the rule of law principles are at stake. Approximately 80 national sections operate within the ICJ.


ICJ was awarded in 1980 the first European Human Rights Prize. ICJ has also received other prices:

• The Wateler Peace Prize (1984)
• The Erasmus Prize (1989)
• The United Nations Award for Human Rights (1993)

Svenska Avdelningen av Internationella Juristkommissionen

Odengatan 88
SE-113 22 Stockholm
Telefon: +46 (0)8 654 62 80
E-post: secretariat@icj-sweden.org

Copyright © 2025 Svenska Avdelningen av Internationella Juristkommissionen